Jean-Jacques Cado (Master 2011) launch the first remote breathalyser
Created in May 2015 by Jean-Jacques Cado (Master 2011) and two associates, iThylo is a connected breathalyser. Launched just a few months ago, our young entrepreneur tell us more about the origins of the project and its next steps.
EDHEC Alumni: Can you explain briefly how iThylo came about?
Jean-Jacques Cado : iThylo is the first remote breathalyser. It is made of apparel that detects breath alcohol and a Smartphone app. And thanks to facial recognition, iThylo certifies a remote screening and simultaneously synchronizes the result on an extranet. This way, a manager, a fleet supervisor, an HR executive… will be alerted in real time if a positive test is made.
iThylo can also be used by a company to perform on-site screening with an app that collects, organizes and analyses the different tests made allowing a company to early detects issues related with alcohol and drugs.
We are 3 co-founders of iThylo : Jean-Michel Gicquel, Vincent Daniel and I, Jean-Jacques Cado.
We started the adventure with Jean-Michel in 2012 when a French bill imposed drivers to have always a breathalyser in their cars. Jean-Michel was working on a single-use breathalyser and we had a common project to develop a Smartphone Breathalyzer, to enrich possibilities of screening and increase a commercial range.
Following the cancellation of that bill in early 2013, we started to search for funds to finance this project because we always believed in our product. Vincent eventually financed us and helped us launch this project.
iThylo was at beginning a public Smartphone breathalyser. You blow in the apparel and if your breath alcohol content was too high to drive, the app suggested a taxi or a hotel near you. We also thought of an assistance service that fully supports the drive home of an intoxicated person.
But we wanted to go further. I was shocked by the accident of the CEO of Total, Christophe de Margerie. I had a brain wave. Why does the authorities of Moscow’ airport did not have the possibility to monitor in real-time that any person who drives on the tarmac is not intoxicated. We also wanted to offer an alternative to interlocks which are very easily circumvented. One can use a blower for instance. The current system does not guarantee that the user is the blower. And the emergency start button of the interlock allows you to start without performing the test and is not followed by any procedure.
This is why we pivoted our initial idea and developed the world first remote breathalyser. This is also what seduced Vincent.
EA: 1 month after the launch, how would you assess this entrepreneurial adventure?
JJC : Lot of teachings! But it is not time to assess yet!
EA: Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?
JJC: I still continue to meet Alumni who give me major insights and advice during conferences organized by Entrepreneurship, Business &Techno or Health Club.
EA: What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?
JJC: Launch, move ahead fast and persevere
EA: What’s next for iThylo?
JJC: Continue to attract businesses and once we have proven our business model, go on fundraising in order to accelerate our commercial and technical development
EA: What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?
JJC: Please don’t hesitate to share and promote our tool in your companies and around you! Thanks a lot! We will also need funds in the next few months.
> Website:
> iThylo on Twitter
> Contact details : / +33(0)6 07 79 70 67

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