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ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Mikael Aubertin (EDHEC 2002), founder of Good Goût wins 7th BFM Business entrepreneurs award!




The programme aired on BFM Business every weekend is designed to showcase young and highly innovative (technological, managerial, marketing....) business ventures and give their owners a helping hand for their future.
Several thousand candidates take part in 28 duals over a nine-month period to reach the final stage that is held in public. The two finalists are quizzed by three experts from the Academy: Eve Chevaray, management coach, Sylvain Orebi, Chairman of Orientis, and Alain Bosetti, Managing Director of the communications group, En personne.

Good Goût?
The aim of Good Goût is to help parents give their children a healthy diet and an alternative to jars of baby food by marketing ready-cooked organic meals in flexible packaging. The recipes are created by the chef, Michel Reutenauer (Le Carré des Sens at Villeneuve d'Ascq). They all offer at least one vegetable with meat, fish or cereal. They include Jerusalem artichoke shepherds pie, Celery polenta and fish, Courgette risotto with goat’s cheese, Sweet potatoes and pork, Butternut with lamb...

These entirely organic dishes are nutritionally certified by the Institut Pasteur in Lille and Adrianor (centre of technological resources for food-processing firms). Produced by a sub-contractor in Brittany, they are sterilised and packaged in flexible sachets that are practical and environmentally friendly (less plastic, less packaging and so less waste).

The firm recorded a €390,000 turnover in 2011 and is aiming for a comfortable €600,000 this year through a selective distribution strategy (Monoprix, organic food shops, delicatessens....). It has now begun to export to Canada, Spain and Belgium and at present is not looking for more capital.


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