ENTREPRENEURSHIP : Hugues Chastel (GE 2013) and Martial Chastel (ESPEME 2013) with Rasoir Club
The history of Razor Club is primarily that of the three brothers, and of their desire to witness their cooperation in chasing a shared goal. Germain, Hugues (GE 2013) and Martial Chastel (ESPEME 2013), two young men between 22 and 28 years, always carry the thought to put together their skills in front of challenge.
Razor Club provides a simple and inexpensive solution to the ruthless struggle against the hairs in the morning: a box of razors for boys and girls from only 4 € per month.
Currently incubating at EDHEC, Razor Club offers a series of humorous videos, written by Raphael Cioffi, the author for Charlotte Lebon in his "Grand" and "Petit Journal" and casted by Raphael Hidrot and Laam, in order to illustrate the importance of razor blades.

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