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Entrepreneurship : Frédéric Kah (GE 2005), Disponeo




I/ Identity:
Founder and owner: Frédéric Kah (GE 2005)

II/ Presentation of the venture:
Disponeo offers professionals and employees a way to save both time and money thanks to an innovative new offer. provides an online solution for group purchases of practical services for staff working in organisations of all sizes located in Paris and the surrounding area. 
How? By offering employees its practical, high quality services delivered free of charge to their place of work (dry cleaning, ironing, fruit and vegetable deliveries, help with administrative formalities…) at sliding scale rates.

For each service, reduction thresholds are calculated according to the number of users per neighbourhood, business centre, etc :

-20% for 3 people,
-30% for 5 people,
and up to -50% from 10 people.

The idea is simple: the more people who sign up, the less it costs.

The offer is available on subscription:

-         BtoC: 19,90 euros for 3 months, 29,90 euros for 6 months or 45,90 euros for 1 year

-         BtoB: for SME of 5 to 250 employees ask for estimate

As the global performance of a company is also measured by the wellbeing of its employees, Disponeo is committed to providing high service standards and to re-establishing the purchasing power of individuals while meeting the new demands of employees in terms of time management.

The team:

Our team is made up of 3 people including 1 Edhec.

We would like to raise more capital in the medium term in order to grow more quickly.

Originality of venture:
We are positioned between the distance concierge lifestyle management company and a group purchase company.

Growth prospects:
We want to cover Paris and the surrounding area before extending our services to the main towns and cities at national level.

What we would like from the Edhec network:
Our main hope is that the Edhec community will use and appreciate our services…

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