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Entrepreneurship: Aline Mayard (GE 2011) - Yallah Bye




I/ Identity
Aline Mayard
Class of EDHEC 2011

II/ Project
. Definition of product, market and target:
Yallah Bye is a website in French and English that takes readers at the heart of the Middle East following the tour of the region that Aline has been doing ever since November. Colorful Street-art, traditions preservation, start-ups, or Bedouins addicted to Facebook… Yallah Bye is revealing a different Middle-East-Orient.
Yallah Bye wants to go beyond online. Aline selects products found in souks, craftsmen stalls or trendy boutiques, and presents them to you with the story behind them: cultural origin, picture, testimony of the creator or seller, etc. Readers can buy those items on Yallah bye at cost (Yallah Bye is a non-profit project).

. Size of team (including number of Edhec people): 1 people

. Venture capital raised or to be raised : 2000€ via crowdfunding, 2000€ to be raised

. Originality of project:
Yallah Bye is a collaborative project. Readers can ask Aline to take particular photos, give feedback, and of course, buy a product. But most importantly, they can participate in the funding of the project. It’s called crowdfunding. 2000€ have already been raised.

. Growth prospects:
This is a non-profit project. Its goal for the six months to come is to continue raising money to expend Yallah Bye to new countries such as Israel, Palestine and Egypt.

III/  What we hope to get from the EDHEC network
Yallah Bye is looking for financial and media support to increase the audience and expend the project to new countries.

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