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EDHEC network : it works with Stimshop !




StimShop uses ultrasound for mobile marketing.
Upon entering a store, you will not hear this ultrasound, broadcast by a small box or incorporated into the music. Unlike your smartphone that will trigger the opening of an application. You will then receive a welcome, a promotional offer .... "Our invention allows you to capture the attention of consumers, create traffic in stores and trigger customer engagement," says Dominique Palacci, CEO and cofounder of StimShop the Parisian start-up that offers this new mobile marketing tool. This graduate of EDHEC has already created Manitoba Multimedia and StimOnLine, has partnered with two other EDHEC graduate : Thibaud Fayard, an e-marketing specialist and Jérôme Gayet, a consultant for trade detail.

More information about StimShop


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