Florence GUILLOT (EDHEC Master 1992) : it is in our discomfort zone that our greatest potential lies
It is in our “discomfort zone” that our greatest potential lies: my name is Florence Guillot, I’m an actor and coach whose unusual career path makes me a living illustration of this slogan.
I graduated from EDHEC with the Class of ’92 and worked for nearly 15 years in a major automotive company, with several positions abroad, either based in England or France. My education and my EDHEC degree, both very broad, served as a key to unlock doors and equipped me with highly useful tools.
Then, beginning in 2006, following a journey that would take too long to explain in detail, I did a career U-turn and joined the ATLA school of music in Paris to complete its “Author Composer Interpreter” degree programme. At the same time I underwent theatre training and began to run workshops and courses. I got a certificate in coaching and another in public speaking.
So what, you might ask, is the link between all that and my firm belief that “it is in our discomfort zone that our greatest potential lies”? I’m coming to that, and it’s quite simple.
While many of you “had a blast” during your years at EDHEC, attending parties and never passing up an opportunity to invest in the life of the school and associations, I spent mine, or at least the first two, trying not to get noticed and to be “see-through” as I had a big self-confidence problem.
Throughout my school years and in the early stages of my career, expressing my views and speaking in public were real torture for me: sweating in anticipation, blushing, stumbling over my words, scrambled thoughts, clammy hands, withdrawing and acting defensively in my body language – the works! Each and every time. So when I had the choice, I generally opted for the following strategy: become invisible and not say a word. It may have been very comfortable, but oh how frustrating!
And between frustration and comfort, well it was frustration that eventually came out on top.
I’m not going to say it was a seamless journey … the first time I found myself on stage to sing in front of an audience, I was FROZEN with fear! And after many personal victories both small and large I now take immense pleasure from being on stage. And I teach others to express themselves in public. Can you imagine the “buzz” I get out of this? I simply love what I’m doing!
But despite all that, I don’t regret the time I spent at EDHEC and PSA: these two experiences gave me structure, experience managing relationships and a foundation in management that have been extremely valuable for the activities I’m currently engaged in.
Why and how am I an EDHEC Resource?
I believe strongly in knowledge transfer and sharing experience. It enhances both the giver, who feels useful, and the receiver, who is enriched by the exchange. Knowledge is a treasure that is not lost when shared.
So far, I have not yet been solicited much as an EDHEC Resource: I’ve answered a few questionnaires and put people in contact for internships.
But I do hope to be able to allow others from EDHEC to benefit from my skills in public speaking techniques, whether students or graduates: I already work with one higher education institution (ICI-ICARE) and I coach students preparing for exams. So why not “return to the source” where, this time, I will have the courage to express myself and even enjoy it?

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