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Entrepreneurship: Romain Dutour (1998) - Kick Your App




I/ Identity :
Romain DUTOUR (Edhec 1998), Entrepreneurship

II/ Business Creation Project

o    Product, market and target definition
Kick Your App is a high skilled taylor made applications designer (iPhone, iPad, Androïd, etc...) dedicated to digital and mobile marketing agencies. This market is still  pretty new but fast growing.1 mobile sold in France out of 4 is an iPhone. This device represents more than 50% of the mobile Internet traffic.
o    Size of the Team (including Edhec Alumni)
4 founders & associates including 1 Edhec Alumni
o    Capital raised or to be raised
Limited company with 8000€.
o    Project originality
All founders are senior entrepreneurs. Their technical track record is above 40 years and 30 years dealing with markekting and IT. We have already released about 20 applications for luxury, media, FMCG et automotive companies.
o    Growth prospects
According to Gartner, the app market turnover should reach USD 30 billions in 2013. More than 150 thousands apps are available on the App store. The iPad launch next month is a new huge opportunity, and the tough competition coming between apps platforms like Google and Android OS a new challenge.

III/ What do you expect from the Edhec network ?
•    We want to underline the assets of mobile apps among marketing and communication Edhec community. Please don’t hesitate to ask for a market review to help you inporve your comprehension of this new media.
•    We would like to meet Edhec Alumni working in communication and marketing agencies on order to present our team and knowldge.

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