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Creation of a new professional club : association, foundation and sponsorship




Under the leadership of Jessica Piris (2010), a new professional club about association, foundation and sponsorship was born. The creation of such a club first fully meets the need to form a universal community EDHEC around the world and to play an important role in sponsorship and fundraising.

The facts
In 2012, in France there are 1.3 million active associations and foundations for a total budget of € 70 billion, or about 3.5% of French GDP (as much as the whole food industry!). 165,000 associations are employers with 1.8 million employees, or 5% of the number of employees in France, to which must be added the 16 million active volunteers. 49% of the financial resources of associations are public (municipalities, counties, state) and 51% of private financing (interests of users, donations, legacies and sponsorship).

These figures from an annual report of French Association of Fundraisers perfectly reflect a more and more difficult economic climate currently. The public sources are increasingly rare but financing needs are increasing. Sponsorship and fundraising actors are forced to diversify their funding sources, and be creative to stand out from the increasingly tough competition!

Aims of the club:

This Club is open to all current and future stakeholders and has three main objectives:

  • Sharing: share experience, feedbacks, debates
  • Informing: become a source of information and understanding of the industry and its development, its business, its laws
  • Meet: connect the various players in the sector, advise and support

To achieve these objectives, different types of activities are planned:

  • Thematic conferences: organizing briefings and discussion based on themes identified with the guide of professionals
  • Newsletter: quarterly newsletters to inform industry news
  • Networking: organize special occasions of meetings between sponsors and fundraisers, to open opportunities for collaborations
  • Sharing: cooperate with other clubs including le Club Culture & Médias et la Tribu Développement on one side and another side Entrepreneurs Club, to discuss common issues.

> First meeting on July 4, 2013 on the campus of the EDHEC in Paris, click here to register!

To join the Sponsorship & Fundraising club, be informed of upcoming meetings and participate in the construction of the club, please contact:


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