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ALUMNI VOICES - Business and Sales development Entry Level Jobs at Salesforce

55 attendees and 2 interested
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 ALUMNI VOICES - LIVE Meeting with Alumni

Alumni share their career paths with students online.

Meeting Alumni Voices in english: 

Come and meet with Alexandre GIMENEZ, MSC Marketing Management 2020, Sales Development Representative I High-Tech Start-Ups & SMBs at Salesforce.

Format of the event

1 hour of LIVE exchanges with the Alumni to make the experience as participative and enriching as possible for all:

  • 30 minutes of presentation by the Alumni (career path, professional choices, position, missions and responsibilities, company and  best practices to start a career) 
  • 30 minute Q&A live session where participant can ask questions directly.

Compulsory registration

Register for the meeting by clicking on the "register" button.

You must be logged in to register. Log in at the top left-hand corner of the EDHEC ALUMNI website using your favorite email as your login and the password that you chose when you activated your account. To activate your account, you can click here https://alumni.edhec.edu/registration/member/alumni and fill in your last name, first name and date of birth to receive the activation link.

Connexion link

The webinar link is available on the top page of the event as soon as you register to the event.
The link will be emailed to registrants the day before the event. We invite you to check your inbox for spam, notifications and promotions to find it.


The ALUMNI VOICES programme, aims to put EDHEC students and graduates in touch with each other. It is intended for all EDHEC students, whatever their level and training programme.

The objective of this event? To discover career prospects in the professions and sectors of activity led by graduates, to help students define their professional projects and enrich their network.

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Student alumni meetings
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