Freshly elected to the Committee on 15 January 2013, Edhec Alumni would like to welcome Estelle BRETEZ (GE 2010) and Anne-Sophie De GABRIAC (GE 1995). To help you get to know them better, read what motivated them to join the Committee and the proposals that got them elected.
Estelle BRETEZ (GE 2010)
• To develop the alumni services (workshops, coaching, conferences, learning, job offers, etc.) and make it easier to gain access to these services worldwide
• To suggest and develop events that meet alumni needs (Business, Careers, Leisure) with first-class speakers
• To raise the profile of EDHEC degrees abroad
• To represent my generation in the EDHEC Alumni association
• To develop the association’s digital communication via the social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), smartphone applications, newsletters
• To advertise EDHEC events worldwide using the new technologies (advertise events in HD in real time or podcast)
• To link up the alumni by improving the online handbook interface
• To develop sector-based Edhec clubs
• To encourage the alumni to meet up more often to chat and generate career and business opportunities
• To develop sponsorship/buddy schemes between students and alumni, and between alumni of different generations working in the same sectors and/or the same job areas
Marketing manager in a start-up
• 2 years consulting experience (in fiscal optimisation and corporate strategy)
• Strategic and operational marketing
• Specialised in e-commerce and new technologiesAnne-Sophie De GABRIAC (GE 1995)
• To represent entrepreneurs and potential business owners on the committee, and develop, promote and support all entrepreneurial initiatives within the network.
• To represent, coordinate and, I hope, get my age group more involved (the Classes of 1990 to 1999) by passing on their expectations and encouraging increasingly active and supportive participation in the network.
• To relay the network’s expectations regarding the EDHEC programmes so as to match employer market expectations and that of executive education for over 35-year-olds.
• To increase the number of women on the Committee (3/26 on the last committee!)
• To develop entrepreneurship within the EDHEC community through the active support of the network.
- To mobilise the alumni to support potential business owners in the EDHEC incubator.
- To facilitate participative financing initiatives and solutions dedicated to entrepreneurial projects envisaged by members of our network.
- To put a divestiture/acquisition space online to promote transmissions between Edhec people.
• To facilitate the proposal for a committee member mandate between Edhec people.
• To promote executive education for over 35-year-olds by promoting existing solutions and developing specific short training courses (1 to 3 days) adapted to their needs, and develop access to executive education courses on the Lille, Nice and Paris campuses, as well as online.
Since 2012: Founder of
2010: Manager of the offline activity
2008: Sales manager for Smartbox Distribution

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