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International Women’s Day : EDHEC and EDHEC Alumni mobilizing for women




EDHEC and EDHEC Network have launched initiatives to develop women leadership, and careers.

For all the women in our network
EDHEC’elles Club is organising different activities and workshops to develop your personal and profesionnal leadership : a new roundtable will take place in Paris on 27 March and an “understand and fight the glass ceiling workshop” will take place on 25 April.

Getting women on corporate boards

EDHEC Business School has launched in 2010, the European Business School/Women on Board initiative which launched the Global Board Ready Women (GBRW) searchable database on 12/12/12. Executive search firms, companies and investors and those looking to make appointments on the boards of publicly quoted firms are now invited to access their database, just three months after its launch.

Already the more than 150 leading business schools, professional business organizations and corporate women from 56 countries constituting the initiative have vetted almost 2000 women out of a list of more than 8000 and the database is growing as fast as the candidates can be vetted.

The women in the GBRW searchable database come from all sectors of business from all over the world and are vetted according to quantitative and qualitative criteria established by the business schools and professional associations for service on a publicly quoted firms board before being admitted to the GBRW Database. Once the qualified women have been accepted in to the GBRW LinkedIn Group, they may also access more than 500,000 corporations and Boards around the world in an agreement arranged by the European Business Schools/Women on Board initiative with BoardEx.

In addition to providing a searchable database of Global Board Ready Women ready to assume the responsibilities of transparent, accountable, global and diverse corporate governance in the 21st century, the group is pleased to see that this action has inspired a host of other activities, curricula, awareness, aspirations and human capital development across the entire pipe of women talent. Shattering the glass ceiling of the board room enables women to see light at the end of the tunnel. They can now work and aspire towards an achievable goal, helped by those who have gone before them as well as the Business Schools and professional business organisations and associations, themselves creating synergistic programs amongst themselves to prepare and strengthen the pool of female talent from manager to executive to board member.

The GBRW welcomes requests from all of the Executive Search Firms and Corporations in the world to join the group and access its growing database of qualified Board Ready Women. Please contact the GBRW Administrator: Heidi Gains (

All Board Ready Women wishing to join the group should contact

All Edhec women interested in working to encourage women to develop their leadership skills should join EDHEC’elles club and contact


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