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Covid-19 crisis: lean on the EDHEC Alumni network




Dear alumni,

In these difficult times, I just wanted to assure you that you have the support of all members of the EDHEC community.

The whole EDHEC Alumni team is working from home, but rest assured they’re not idle! They will continue to support you in rolling out your projects ... but from a distance. Click here for their contact details.

In addition, Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School, chose to send a message on March 13 to all members of the EDHEC Community, shared on all of the school's social networks: watch the video.

Since Tuesday March 17, following the instructions set by the national authorities, the Lille, Nice, Paris and London campuses are closed to students. All services are provided online, online learning will start on Wednesday 25 March. All EDHEC teams are committed to provide the best support to students in these exceptional circumstances. The EDHEC website contains all the instructions and decisions communicated to students.

Having consulted with our EDHEC Alumni trustees and the ambassadors from our professional, leisure and local clubs in France, we have decided to cancel, postpone or digitalise all events up to the summer holidays. The same will apply to all international clubs depending on their local situation. So no physical get-togethers, but plenty of virtual exchanges! 



In this very special context, this is also the time to take advantage of the wealth of our network to help each other. Some students are looking for an internship, some alumni are looking for a job and need help more than ever! You may have time between two calls to give advice or ideas, I encourage you to keep the link:

- via our official LinkedIn group
- our Facebook group
- or the WhatsApp, Facebook or LinkedIn groups of your class or local club. [see the list of clubs]

Whether you have questions, responses or suggestions, provided they are well-intentioned, don’t hesitate to share them! And together let’s make sure that each EDHEC discussion group is a useful and comforting space of solidarity.

Take care of yourself and others. We can’t wait to see you all again in full health!


  Geoffroy SARDIN
EDHEC Master 1993
Président EDHEC Alumni



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