Enrich your career and valorise your skills with volunteer governance
The world of French associations is highly dynamic: France has no fewer than 200,000 solidarity-based associations and 1.5 to 2 million trustees sitting on boards. 19% of French people contribute to an association, and each year 70,000 associations are created. This means there is no shortage of opportunities to get involved! But why make such a commitment and what skills are needed?
To answer these questions, on 7 September, as part of the 2021 Alumni Summer Session, EDHEC Alumni invited three members of the volunteer governance team from the Passerelles et Compétences association: Nathalie Genevrier Bertrand (EDHEC 1996), Michèle Allard and Stéphane Meffre. Their enlightening presentations, combined with the testimonials of Marie-Christine Ferrandon, chair of the Lecture Jeunesse Association, and Christian Adam de Villiers, volunteer trustee at Personimages, explain all you need to know about the position of volunteer trustee, the needs it meets and the sense of purpose it can give to your career.
Volunteer trustee in a solidarity-based association: a crucial role
The composition of its Board of Trustees is of fundamental importance for the long-term survival and development of an association. Stéphane explains that with 500,000 to 700,000 trustee mandates coming to an end each year, the Passerelles et Compétences association, whose role is to find volunteers to serve on the boards of solidarity-based associations, has plenty to keep it busy: “recruiting people from outside the association is a way to bring in new and more cutting-edge skills”. These associations are often absorbed by the practical aspects of their work, and so are less committed to the quality of their governance, a real source of concern for the people in charge. The role of trustee involves real responsibilities, because the board is an essential resource: when properly formed and used well, it enables the association to gain in strength and better serve its beneficiaries.
Trustee mandates are varied: the board is usually made up of a chairperson, a treasurer, a general secretary and project leaders, who together represent the executive body that works with management and staff. For example, the role of the general secretary can be highly diverse and may require knowledge of both law and logistics. Associations have specific needs; they are looking for well-qualified people who often prove difficult to find: marketing, finance, human resources, law, etc. This is where Passerelles et Compétences comes in, explains Michèle, by supporting each association so they can better understand the skills they need and then find and integrate the right people. She believes it is therefore essential to “promote this volunteer governance to all citizens eager to commit in a lasting way to a cause they hold dear”.
A mutually beneficial commitment
The commitment made by volunteer trustees has a clear impact on associations: in concrete terms, it helps 92% of them to improve their structure and development. The outcome is also positive for the volunteers, with 97% of them willing to get involved in other missions.
Trustees offer an external perspective, strategic vision and value-added; they share their expertise in a way that is useful and tangible. And for those who discover a cause and a dynamic team, their commitment is at once enriching and gratifying thanks to its impact on beneficiaries, whether direct or indirect.
Marie-Christine Ferrandon chairs the association Lecture Jeunesse, dedicated to developing reading, writing and oral expression in teenagers. It called on the services of Passerelles et Compétences to recompose its Board of Trustees. Marie-Christine believes that this political body is essential as it makes decisions, sets priorities, makes choices and must be able to adapt in order to evolve; and it is a tangible source of support for staff. This is why it requires diverse skills. What’s more, the diversity of the backgrounds and personalities of its members is a source of enrichment for the association, which will also allow it to adapt to its environment. Michèle shares this view: “an association needs many talented people to develop and play its full role, in both strategic and practical terms. Serving as a volunteer is also a way to boost one’s impact, and the wealth of the volunteer’s role is that they both give and receive”. This is a position that allows you to use your skills for the benefit of others, but it is also useful for your career as you will learn from the situations you encounter and as you try new things and innovate. This will broaden your perspective of the working world as well as interpersonal relations. Furthermore, the way associations work is similar to that of small companies, so making a contribution is an excellent way to develop knowledge and skills that will be of use in your professional career.
What are the conditions for a successful volunteer experience?
Stéphane begins by seeking to reassure: these missions are always compatible with a separate professional activity. However, they do demand a long-term commitment because the mandate of a board member is 3 or 4 years, which gives you time to assess the impact of your contribution to the association. The time you will have to dedicate to your role is highly variable: from around 10 days a year (generally 6 to 8 board meetings) to 3 or 4 days a month for missions requiring a higher level of involvement.
Christian Adam de Villiers was placed by Passerelles et Compétences as a volunteer trustee on the board of Personimages, where he is essentially responsible for financing and digital communication. This association helps people with physical or mental handicaps to overcome social isolation through artistic expression. Christian says that in order for the association and the volunteer to flourish mutually, it is essential to feel strongly about the association’s mission and to be suitable for the types of projects involved. He adds, “compatibility and complementarity are hallmarks of an enriched Board of Trustees”.
In summary, the conditions for a successful volunteer mission can be boiled down to 3 essential points:
- Share the same values in terms of the association’s projects.
- Be clear about the skills you have to offer and your availability.
- Make sure you gradually integrate so you can feel useful.
Has this article given you an appetite to get involved? There are many and diverse opportunities! You can contact Passerelles et Compétences (gouvernance@passerellesetcompetences.org) and sign up to the EDHEC Volunteering club to receive an email detailing the positions available.
And as ever, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the EDHEC Alumni community if you have any questions, and sign up for our webinars tacking a wide variety of topics.

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