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The Management Institute of Paris (MIP) joins EDHEC Business School




The Management Institute of Paris has just entered a partnership agreement with EDHEC Business School.

MIP was founded by Bruno Bich (BIC), Martin Bouygues (Bouygues) and Claude Bébéar (Axa) in Paris in 2000. Under the presidency of Marc Odendall and the management of Benoît Arnaud, MIP has primarily focused on in-house executive education (over 10,000 managers trained). It also offers an MBA (Executive and Global) and a post-high school programme over five years, with both these programmes currently concerning a small number of students.

Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC Business School and Benoit Arnaud, Dean of MIP, underline that this partnership is an opportunity for the two entities to strengthen their academic programmes, their Executive Education activities and their links with large corporations in Paris, especially via EDHEC's strategy of delivering training and producing research that have a real impact on businesses.

The partnership between the two institutions will be accompanied by the creation of a Board of Ethics for EDHEC comprising leading business figures like Claude Bébéar (Axa) and Jean de Luxembourg (Suez), as well as members of the teaching faculty. The Board will be charged with proposing methods and course content for EDHEC Business School's students.

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