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The impact of your support for the EDHEC For All grant scheme!




This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the EDHEC For All grant scheme. 

This equal opportunity initiative makes it possible to reduce the financial and psychological burden on EDHEC students, allowing them to make the most of the many opportunities their school offers.

Thanks to your generosity, 150 grants were financed by the EDHEC Giving Foundation in 2018–2019! Our warmest thanks to all the donors who supported this solidarity project. 

And that's just the beginning … 

As Pedro explains in his testimonial, by supporting the EDHEC For All grant scheme you can have a direct impact on the life of a student. 


“After completing my preparatory studies, the EDHEC For All grant gave me the chance to attend EDHEC, to have this comfort and financial independence in my daily life. This support has been a breath of fresh air, giving me the chance to study with peace of mind.” 
[See other testimonials] 


Master EDHEC 2022

So together, let's make an extra effort and aim to finance 200 additional grants in 2020! 

For more information about the development projects run by the EDHEC Giving Foundation, contact:

Sabine Courouble, Donor relations
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 15 47 49 - 

Lucie-Anne Henry, Donor relations 
Tel: +33 (0)1 53 32 76 54 - 

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