The Fondation Entreprendre (Entrepreneurship Foundation) on the EDHEC campus in Paris
When the Fondation Entreprendre (Entrepreneurship Foundation) met on the EDHEC campus in Paris, we asked its leaders to tell us more about the drive to run a business and competitiveness.
Who are today’s entrepreneurs? What are the specific features of family firms?
They’ll also tell you how the Foundation gives potential business ventures a helping hand.
The Fondation Entreprendre (Entrepreneurship Foundation) on the EDHEC campus in Paris
2012-11-16 00:00:00
2021-04-20 10:16:13
2012-11-16 00:00:00
EDHEC Alumni
When the Fondation Entreprendre (Entrepreneurship Foundation) met on the EDHEC campus in Paris, we asked its leaders to tell us more about the drive to run a business and competitiveness.
Who are today’s entrepreneurs? What are the specific features of family firms?
They’ll also tell you how the Foundation gives potential business ventures a helping hand.
View the video with Thierry Mulliez, Chairman of the AFM, Blandine Herbault-Mulliez and Jean-Yves Dugast, respectively President and Director General of the Fondation Entreprendre.
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