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The EDHEC Foundation thanks you for your support!




After a particularly challenging year in 2020, we would like to thank all the donors who mobilised alongside us at the end of the year.

Some 350 donors supported our students, an all-time record, which proves that solidarity among EDHEC students is a reality!

Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to:

- with the Emergency Fund, enable students to overcome the hurdles of the crisis in their daily lives and their schooling. Thanks to your support, we have already been able to finance more than 150 exceptional grants.

- with the EDHEC For All scholarship programme, ensure that all deserving students continue their studies at a prestigious business school despite the economic consequences of the crisis.

And much more... In 2021, in view of the sharp rise in scholarship applications, we want to expand the EDHEC For All programme. Our 2021 objective is to finance 200 new scholarships, including 10 high-impact scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fees for the most disadvantaged students!

Once again, we would like to thank you for this large-scale mobilisation and hope to see you in 2021!

The EDHEC Foundation team

For any information on the EDHEC Foundation's development projects, please contact:

Sabine Courouble, Donor relations manager
Phone : +33 (0)3 20 15 47 49 -



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