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The EDHEC For All grants award ceremony was a heartfelt encounter between beneficiaries and donors




On Wednesday 6 November, to mark the 10th anniversary of the EDHEC For All grant scheme and the involvement of Fondation Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe, the EDHEC Foundation held an exceptional award ceremony on the Lille campus.

Alongside Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School, and Christian Sergheraert, Chairman of Fondation Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe, donors, partners of the scheme, staff, alumni and student beneficiaries came together for a roundtable discussion followed by a drinks reception. 

Emmanuel Métais opened the event by reminding delegates that equal opportunities and social inclusion are core priorities for EDHEC. A roundtable discussion then addressed the theme “Attracting, educating and encouraging talented individuals: what are the challenges and driving forces?”, moderated by Marie Verstraete, head of communication at Fondation CMNE. This discussion perfectly illustrated the importance of these issues with compelling presentations by Emmanuel Métais, Christian Sergheraert, Laurence Pavie (representing Fondation CMNE), Jean-Christophe Levassor (class of 2015 and director of La Condition Publique) and Pierre Daenens (chairman of Objectif Réussite EDHEC), and the testimonials of EDHEC For All grant beneficiaries, Bérangère Hallouin (class of 2015) and Marine Dassonville (class of 2020). 

The event was also a wonderful opportunity to extend our warmest thanks once again to our donors and Fondation Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe for its loyal and invaluable partnership, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

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