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The Alumni Summer Session 2024 will explore the many facets of success.




The Alumni Summer Session is a must for all EDHEC graduates who want to share their experiences and learn from experts in the EDHEC community to help them develop.

This summer, we are looking at the question ‘How do you build success? - an invitation to explore together the various facets of success, both professionally and personally. 

Take part in the inaugural webinar on 20 June...

Beyond clichés and linear career paths, the Alumni Summer Session will highlight the diversity of possible career paths, always favouring exchange and feedback in order to discover the keys to success, the obstacles encountered, and the learning derived from each person's career path. To embody this vision, Gilles Vernet (EDHEC Master 1992), former trader turned teacher and film-maker, and Eva Bohnenstengel (EDHEC International BBA student), French champion in handisport athletics, will open this 2024 edition on 20 June with an inaugural webinar.

Discover the webinar

... and discover the rest of the programme, which will continue throughout the summer

Until 21 September 2024, EDHEC Alumni and the Career Centre for Life will welcome you online or on the EDHEC campus in Paris for : 

  • Inspiring conferences with leading personalities and experts in various fields
  • Practical, interactive workshops on building professional and personal projects, managing failure and defining personal success.
  • Networking opportunities for convivial exchanges with other alumni, expanding your network and, why not, sowing the seeds of future joint successes.

Discover the full programme

For more information, please contact Adeline Regent, Alumni Relations Manager :

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