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TEDxAix: EDHEC plays key role




EDHEC Business School in partnership with TEDxAix on 9 May 2014, held an event that focussed on ground-breaking technologies, entertainment and design with the aim of leveraging a number of initiatives to support and promoted ideas capable of changing the world.

By associating itself with this unique project, EDHEC Business School furthered its ambition of being recognised for innovative ideas and for research and training that have a real impact on businesses.

During this exceptional event, EDHEC Professor and leadership expert Valerie-Claire Petit spoke about diversity and leadership, and shared some strategies geared to promote leadership that is open to all types of talent. “As members of the education community, it is high time that we acknowledge and change the leadership stereotypes that deprive us of the diversity of talents that businesses need to succeed”, said Professor Petit.

“Innovation and agility are hardwired into EDHEC Business School’s DNA. We pioneered the multi-campus strategy in France and we were the first French business school to offer all of our graduate-level courses in English. Thanks to our "EDHEC for Business" strategy and our positive impact on business, we are now one of Europe’s leading management research and training institutions,” said Olivier Oger, Dean of the EDHEC Business School. 

At EDHEC Business School, innovation and agility are in our DNA. Like TEDxAix, the school’s ambition is to produce new ideas that will have a positive impact on the economy. We believe business is a culture in constant evolution; and when shared, it offers opportunities to advance individuals and companies that are true sources of value for our society.

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