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Talent Identification & Career Development programme : your tailor-made training/coaching programme




The Career Centre has designed a unique customized training/coaching programme that will prepare you to the many recruitment techniques you will be facing on the international market after you graduate : THe Talent Identification & Career Development programme (TI&CD).

This programme will be organised in different steps according to your course. It starts in B3 and continues all along your studies enabling you to build your customized professional project : an assessment of your level through 10 managerial competencies that will help you develop them in relation to the job you are targeting.

Personalized Mentoring and Training sessions with specialized consultants
Throughout your course, the unique components of this programme will allow you to develop more quickly and more efficiently your professional project. It will also enable you to start building your network, significant asset, for an optimal access to the employment market.

The TICD is a real career booster that will make your position and missions evolve faster.

The different steps of the TI&CD programme

• Customised Preparation
• 4 career experts dedicated to B3
• monthly newsletter
• a career book new!
• a key contact Evelyne Mansuet

• tailor-made career roadmap including 1meeting a week
• 30 International Career Experts
• Different kind of meetings, individual career meetings, workshops, presentations, online chats…
• Website dedicate to Edhec’s career
• Monthly Newsletter
• Week's career opportunities received by mail every Friday
• Career Book new!  
• One key contact, Gergana HRISTOZOVA for FE TRACK and Pauline GOVART for BM TRACK

"I practiced the realization of digital, oral and logical online tests and also “face to face” case resolution. Thanks to this training I have been able to prepare more efficiently to the recruitment process of Procter & Gamble where I am about to start my career”
Arnaud Gallay, EDHEC 2011, Sales Manager

"The TICD enables EDHEC’s young talents to develop their professional project and the managerial competencies that are inherent to it.”
Jerome Frizzera – senior consultant at Peronnalis- member of TICD’s coaching team/pool.

"There is no doubt this unique programme is a real career booster for EDHEC students!”
Gautier Villaume – Trade Marketing Director at Procter& Gamble, Geneva- TICD Mentor

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