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Sylvain Deleuze (EDHEC Master 2008) nous présente Les Belles Heures




- Could you tell us in a few words how was your entreprise born ?

The process has been progressive. I've always wanted to put my taste for creation, colors and shapes to work. Besides, starting my own company has always been something truly inspiring to me. While progressing into my career in business-oriented positions with few creative side, this idea of creating my own creative business just grew stronger and stronger.

One day, I drew a sketch on a piece of paper. Quite rapidly, I pictured a scarf. Fueled by my travel inspirations, in particular in relation to my time in Italy, I came up with a brand concept with a strong identity made from effortless chic attitude.

Starting to structure the project I met people, went to professional shows and approached suppliers across Europe.

Once the production platform set up, I developed the brand identity with a Parisian creative agency.

I set up the company in November 2015.

The brand and the eshop are launched in March 2016.


- What are your conclusions about this entrepreneurial adventure ?

It's quite early to draw conclusions after 6 monts working on the development of the brand but some elements have been validated, others need to be refined and the next strategic steps start to take shape.


- Have you benefit from the EDHEC network at any moment ?

I've mainly benefit from the EDHEC network through the people I've made at school and who still are among my closest friends. One helped me designed my eshop and another provided with the buffet for my launch party. More broadly, they supported me in each and every step of the project through advice, presence and introductions to potential business relationships. 

I haven't benefit from the larger EDHEC network yet but I will be happy to meet passionate and skilled people that could be interested in my project.


- Which advice will you give to new entrepreneur ? 

I would say that pugnacity, perseverance and determination are key. You have to be confident enough in your idea to overcome all the unexpected problems you will face. Always try to keep cool when things go well and not to overreact when they go bad, you will experience both anyway.

- What are the next steps for your compagny   ?

Our DNA goes way beyond fashion and talks about lifestyle. Our next developments would then be to develop our range of textile accessories' with new formats and then other than textile accessories for man and woman with an effortless chic attitude. 

- How could the EDHEC community help you ?

Currently, I'm looking to meet people with a focus on the issues I face developing Les Belles Heures, ie retail, e-commerce and media/PR strategy. 

Then fund raising will come to the agenda.

More broadly, I'm always interested in meeting passionate and skilled people, whether entrepreneurs or not and whatever their business focus. 


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