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Student Dataviz Challenge 2022: « Make a difference using Data »




EDHEC is pleased to organize the 2nd edition of the DataViz Challenge alongside its partners UNICEF, Tableau and Mazars.

This unique competition in Europe invites students who are passionate about data analysis to tell a story on an impactful subject with the help of Tableau software and through open data provided by UNICEF.

This edition brought together more than 200 students from 16 European countries. This year again, the challenge had the honor of welcoming Mazars, which sponsored the competition as part of its collaboration with the EDHEC Foundation on the “New Generation Factory” *.

The 10 best applications had the chance to present their visualization to the judges and partners on Friday June 17 on the EDHEC Paris campus. The key to the first prize: the possibility of getting a data visualization internship at UNICEF.

This year the winners are

  1. Qiaolong LIN - How far could each country achieve the UN SDG nutrition goal by 2030?
  2. LI CHEN - Under 24 Mortality Rates & Deaths
  3. Hugues RUBIN DE CERVENS - An African child’s journey to education

Discover the 10 finalists here

« I really like data visualization and extracting important information from data. I would like to thank my professor Yvan Fornes (EDHEC) for passing on his passion to me. »

Océane Lucas
EDHEC student and winner of the EDHEC Data Viz 2021

*The New Generation Factory     

Mazars is committed to EDHEC on the New Generation Factory. With this partnership, conducted on a European scale, the audit firm co-produces studies with the EDHEC NewGen Talent Center to enrich its reflections on the younger generations and open up new HR perspectives.

Mazars is also associated with the EDHEC Data Viz Challenge* in order to promote and source skills in Data Visualization.

This partnership promotes the two brands in several European countries as players who are particularly attentive to younger generations.

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Sandrine Pinto
Corporate sponsorship manager
+33 (0)1 87 89 91 86

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