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Sad news




Dear Alumni,

It is with extreme sadness that we inform you of the accidental passing away of Jérémy Bru, our student in the 2nd year of the BBA Global Business programme. Jérémy was undertaking this year of studies at UCLA as part of a group of one hundred classmates.

A fire occurred on Wednesday this week in a residential building in Los Angeles in which 22 of our students live. Jérémy was seriously injured in the fire, and he passed away in hospital following this.

Angelo Bisignano, Programme Director, and Patricia Vinant, EDHEC Country Manager based in Los Angeles, as well as EDHEC Senior Management are working in close collaboration with the consulate and the local authorities in order to provide support to our students. A psychological support unit has been put in place. Our 21 other students have not been injured in the fire and have been rehoused; we remain in close contact with them.

Jérémy was a dear friend and well-loved classmate, who was involved in programme activities and student life at EDHEC. His passing away is an immense grief for his family, his friends and all of us members of the EDHEC Community. Our thoughts are with his parents, his sister, and all his loved ones, to whom we address our sincerest condolences.

Emmanuel Métais
Dean, EDHEC Business School

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