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Renaud Seligmann (EDHEC 2007) and Social Bar for the EDHEC Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year award

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Candidate for the EDHEC Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year award 



Renaud graduated from EDHEC in 2007, and in October 2017 opened the Social Bar, an establishment that has a social impact and is located at 25 Rue Villiot near the Gare de Lyon in Paris. This socialising laboratory was conceived and developed in such a way that perfect strangers can talk to one another! How do you get people who don’t know each other chatting in a bar, restaurant or co-working space? The Social Bar provides the answer. It is also a series of concepts, from the Social Dice to Social Challenges and from the Social Phone to the giant Social Rock-Paper-Scissors, developed to facilitate interpersonal exchanges.

Its unique feature is that it has 175 shareholders who effectively act as joint landlords of the bar! Just two months after opening, it was voted the “favourite bar of Parisians" by Time Out. 50% of its profits are handed over to associations.


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