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Reminder - Join the Job-hunting support scheme




present the


Season 2



Dear |%prenom%|

The sanitary crisis is still affecting the global economy and in particular our young and soon-to-be graduates. It is in times like these that the strength and solidarity of our network come into their own. Season 1 of the scheme ended on 31 August and between late April and late August, more than 200 graduates stepped up, enabling 231 alumni to benefit from your support and your invaluable advice.

The crisis isn’t over yet, and so EDHEC Alumni and the EDHEC Career Centre for Life have decided to run the scheme again to enable participants from EDHEC to continue to help each other out and exchange views.

Sign up as a SPONSOR
 if you have expertise in job-hunting strategies to share: How are companies in your sector managing the crisis? What are their recruitment policies? Are there any positions to be filled? This is the kind of practical advice and information that will help others from EDHEC make a successful transition onto the job market in these uncertain times.

Perhaps you yourself are on a timeout, or maybe you’re actively job-hunting, switching to another profession or undergoing a career transition. If you need help with any of these issues, sign up as a BENEFICIARY.

STEP 1: Decide to become a SPONSOR (offering help) or BENEFICIARY (looking for help) 




STEP 2: SPONSOR: complete the questionnaire indicating your areas of expertise (takes 2 minutes)

OR BENEFICIARY: choose the area(s) in which you are looking for expertise, then click “Search”. A list of Sponsors will appear. Click “Choose this alumnus as my Sponsor”.

STEP 3: A partnership is created based on the Sponsor chosen by the Beneficiary. Click once again on the SPONSOR/BENEFICIARY buttons in this email and in the “My partnerships” tab you will be able to access your respective contact details. Then it’s over to the Beneficiary to make the first step and contact the Sponsor!

STEP 4Once help has been provided, the partnership can be deleted, simply clicks again on the SPONSOR/BENEFICIARY button in this email and on the red X in order to delete the partnership. The Sponsor is automatically free to provide help to another Beneficiary, and the Beneficiary can look to another Sponsor for help.


If you know of any internships or job offers that might be relevant for our students and graduates, simply send us your offers to and we will share them with the right targets.

NB: Please keep this email. It will allow you to access directly the job-hunting support scheme via the SPONSOR/BENEFICIARY links above. 

We thank you for your solidarity and wish you fruitful exchanges. Your feedback is welcome. Feel free to ask any question or leave your comments using the 

Warm regards,

EDHEC Alumni and the EDHEC Career Centre for Life 

PS: Note that the Sponsor/Beneficiary links are automatically connected to your EDHEC Alumni account and can only be used by you. 


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