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Recruitment process: test yourself free of charge with EDHEC Alumni!




Recruitment processes require rigorous preparation. Recruiters want to avoid making mistakes when choosing future employees. Beyond CVs, cover letters and the “traditional” interview, this means they are looking for additional information that will help them find the perfect candidate! 

To achieve this goal, many recruiters now include personality tests in their recruitment process. 

Read on to find out all you need to know!

The rise of personality tests in the recruitment process

What is meant by personality test?

Personality tests allow recruiters to appreciate whether the candidate’s behavioural skills, interpersonal qualities and motivations match the position to be filled and the company’s culture.

These tests do not require any preparation in advance; simply answer the questions spontaneously. 

How are these tests conducted?

In most cases, they are proposed to candidates preselected based on their CV/cover letter.

The recruiter then asks the candidate to take one or more tests using specialized online evaluation tools. Depending on the type of questionnaire and the number of questions, each test lasts between 12 and 35 minutes. Before you begin, it is important to make sure you have a good Internet connection and can isolate yourself in a quiet place so as not to be interrupted.

Why are these tests becoming commonplace in the recruitment process?

There are good reasons for HR departments and recruitment professionals to expand this practice:

  • Tests are a way to standardise the recruitment process within a business and thereby assess candidates using the same benchmarks and a maximum level of objectivity.
  • Tests can also be a way to decide between two people competing for the same position in terms of motivation and personality when they have similar diplomas and levels of experience. 
  • Tests prove useful to confirm or invalidate the recruiter’s impression of the candidate formed during the interview.
  • Tests successfully reveal the most talented people. Nowadays, technical skills and experience are no longer enough: personality has become an essential criteria when choosing future colleagues.


A successful recruitment process is one that leads to a person who will flourish in the new position, but also in the company generally in the long term. With personality tests, recruiters optimise the likelihood of making the right choice.

Get a step ahead with the tests made available by EDHEC ALUMNI and the Career Center for Life

More than anything, we want to see graduates succeed and achieve professional fulfilment! This is why we offer a wide range of tools that will help you get a headstart in the working world and achieve your career ambitions. 

If you’re a young graduate, prepare for your job applications and career plans now 

What’s in it for you? Whether you’re looking for your first job, already in employment but thinking of a career change, or keen to take on an entrepreneurial adventure, we can give you the opportunity to get to know yourself better using various personality and aptitude tests.

Completing these questionnaires, and above all understanding their conclusions, will be useful in building your career projects or preparing for future interviews.

At the end of each questionnaire, you will be able to consult your profile illustrated with graphs and personalised comments. This will tell you which aspects of your personality and which aspirations to emphasise in discussions with recruiters. With full transparency, you will also become aware of the areas you need to improve on and set objectives for a career that makes sense for you.

Central Test 

For almost 10 years, EDHEC Alumni and the EDHEC Career Center have subscribed to Central Test, a recognised expert in psychometric evaluation.

Test yourself with Central Test

We recommend the following tests so you can engage in a process of introspection and more easily achieve your next objective:

ProfilPro 2

This first test aims to pinpoint your personality in the workplace by helping you become aware of your qualities, the way you operate and your motivations.

You will be required to look at two statements and pick the one that best applies to you. 

What it involves: 112 questions. Leave around 15 minutes to complete the test.


This second test assesses your emotional intelligence and that of others so you can create harmonious working relationships.

What it involves: 102 questions. Leave around 15 minutes to complete the test.


This questionnaire will reveal your professional interests and the areas that are most likely to suit you.

What it involves: 12 areas of interest to identify. Leave around 15 minutes to complete the test.

Reasoning Test-R Corporate

This assessment will enable you to evaluate your capacity for reasoning in a professional environment.

What it involves: 42 questions to be answered within 35 minutes.


Entrepreneur Test

This gives you an opportunity to test your behavioural qualities and entrepreneurial skills.

What it involves: 85 questions. Leave around 10 minutes to complete the test.



Other tests in the Change Jobs section

The services offered by EDHEC Alumni and the EDHEC Career Center evolve each year. We recently enriched our range of tests.

If you visit the Career Center section of the website, you will find many tools to help you develop your upcoming career projects.

We have divided them into three categories: Change Jobs, International mobility and Self-development.

These tools include offers from HIGHERED and Job Assessment Experts.

These two new platforms give you the chance to take English-language tests, particularly suited for non-Francophone graduates or those looking to pursue an international career.

Access the Tests

Remember: if you have not yet activated your account, that’s the first step before you can access the platform and your personal space.

You’ll find all the explanations you need in this article.


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