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Publicis France and EDHEC are coming together to form a strategic partnership on Data




As part of its transformation plan concerning data, dynamic content and digital technology, the Publicis group has just formalised a partnership with EDHEC’s MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence.

This new Masters programme, launched in September 2017, is run on the Lille campus and targets students from business and engineering schools, as well as top-level university students.

Data is now an essential component in the value chain of marketing, communications and the digital transformation. It is useful at every stage of advertising output, as well as for the production of new tools and digital platforms.

"With this partnership, the Publicis group is reaffirming that data is at the heart of our transformation. We are delighted to be able to share our experience and also gain from our interaction with the talented young students on this Masters programme,” explains Agathe Bousquet, CEO of Publicis Groupe in France.

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