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Portrait of entrepreneur : Patrick Lecercle presents ID inside




1. Could you tell us a little about your background ? ( Courses, diplomas, program , specialties ... )

I graduated from the Edhec in 1981 with marketing option, EMP INSEAD 1991. More than 30 years of experience in advertising agency Young & Rubicam (DGA), JWT and McCann- Momentum (DG, CEO) and Altavia (delegated management). Brand management experience in France and internationally in all sectors including food, retail, spirits, automotive, banking, equipment goods, pharmaceutical laboratories. Experience 360 ° on & off line. Publishing Pub New Deal in 2007 (Ophrys).

2. How did your entrepreneurial project born ?

The finding of the need of generations with strong ideas and new marketing strategies and brand communication. Linked to the conjunction of the communication universe of upheaval, consumption and markets, and the need to generate real-time responses, in a context  of compression of economic equations of companies and communication agencies.

3. Describe your business? (Product, market, target, team, originality... )

Inside ID is an effective accelerator via a coaching expert senior branch, the marketing departments/business communication, or communication agencies. Accompanying Inside ID integrates with existing project teams.

An example of a lighthouse benefit : Co- Creative Workshop that brings together marketers, internal stakeholders and customers in a collaborative exercise of idea generation (positioning, new products and services, product launch, commercial activation). The Co-creative exercise can also be done at the initiative of the communication agency with his client.


The results : enhanced creativity, ownership, federation teams, better ROI in terms of implementation...


4. What advice can you give to students or graduates who wish to start a business ?

Having a business project that is both relevant and innovative. Differentiate the existing offer. Develop a flagship remember and "bankable" that characterizes the uniqueness of the value proposition. If possible, start with a customer.

5. Have you enjoyed at one time or another of EDHEC alumni network ?

Not yet. My activity is recent. I hope this interview will be a first step in this direction.

6. What are the next steps for your business?

The proposal builds on crossing experience, the value of ideas, rapid response and value for money meets a good success in generating first missions. The challenge is to increase recurring contracts in order to establish the business.

7. Do you have any expectations of the Edhec Alumni community?

Two expectations. Engage Edhec managers of SMEs or start-ups which have marketing issues and so support needs without the means to recruit senior full-time resources. Looking makers of more structured companies or agencies, in the form of a one-time senior input on key issues in the context of teams just in time.


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