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Portrait : Entrepreneurship. Abdelmouttalib Mehdi (Espeme) RPlus Technologies





I / Identity

Mehdi Abdelmouttalib

ESPEME program specialization International Programme


II / Project entrepreneurship :

RPlus Technologies is a specialist in second life mobile phone with two strong values ​​of sustainable development and the social economy .

We collect used phones in businesses, governments and associations under our brand Mobile Green . The phones are then forwarded to the Association of Paralysed France to be reconditioned by workers with disabilities . The phones are then sold on the web BtoC and BtoB under our Brand Yukkaz


. Product definition , market , target

On the collection with Green Mobile , our priority targets are big business and big government with a large fleet of mobile phones.

The erasure of personal data, reducing the tax Agefiph , traceability and CSR report are our main competitive advantages.


Resale with Yukkaz we sell phones and smartphones opportunities reconditioned , refurbished and especially GUARANTEED .

We address the end customers via our website and via shops on marketplaces like Priceminister , CDiscount , Fnac and Amazon.



Team size ( and number of EDHEC )

3 associated with 1 EDHEC


Up capital or to raise

€ 300K


Originality of the project

Offering management second life mobile , RPlus offers companies and large government project involving CSR and Sustainability allied to a strong impact on the Social and Solidarity Economy ( SSE we labeled : Social Enterprise and Solidarity ) .

We are the only company to combine many advantages in service .


Growth prospects

Become a leader in the collection fleet companies in France and Europe.

Making our mark Yukkaz a reference product opportunities in France and abroad .

These objectives will be accompanied by a strong recruitment campaign to size our teams and meet the expectations of our customers.



III / What is your expectation for the EDHEC ?

THE EDHEC will be an important bridge for us to expand our services and grow our Startup .

We are looking for business network but also financial .

Business Network , to implement our service within the EDHEC network.

Financial Network , to find good partners in our fundraising.




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