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Partnership between Stanford university and EDHEC Business School : a program for executives of high-tech and innovative start-ups




Stanford University is extend-ing its innovation expertise across the Atlantic in a new partnership with EuraTechnol-ogies in Lille, France. Stan-ford's Department of Manage-ment Science and Engineering (MS&E) is creating a custom-ized education program for the region called “The Stanford-Lille Innovation and Entrepre-neurship Program.”

The program is designed ex-pressly for executives of high-tech and innovative start-ups, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), or innovation depart-ments of large accounts in the region. It consists of two weeks of executive education, one week at Stanford and one week in Lille. Classes are taught by Stanford faculty sup-ported by guest lecturers from Silicon Valley with expertise in entrepreneurship and innova-tion. Participants engage in active learning techniques turning ideas into strategy and upon their return to France, convert strategy into action.

The Stanford Center for Pro-fessional Development, re-nowned for its delivery of cus-tom education solutions to industry, will spearhead the program.The first of its kind for Stanford and Lille, this program offers French entrepreneurs a win-dow into what makes Silicon Valley successful.A catalyst for many of the technologies and companies that define Silicon Valley, the Stanford School of Engineer-ing, and its MS&E department, is a leader in research and education related to the infor-mation-intensive, technology-based economy.

The department is home to many innovative programs and its faculty have created and advised countless high-tech companies such as Google,

More information
To discover all the details of this program and to subscribe, please click here.



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