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Parisien Étudiant business school rankings: EDHEC consolidates its 4th position in the 2024 post-prep ranking




This article was originally published on - 23/05/2024 

For the 5th year running, EDHEC's Grande École programme maintains its 4th place in the Parisien Étudiant 2024 rankings.

In the Parisien Étudiant's 2024 post-bac and post-pépa rankings, EDHEC's Grande École programme scored 5/5 for 12 out of 15 criteria. The Parisien Étudiant underlines this performance: ‘Now a leader in the world of finance, EDHEC is making constant progress and is experiencing strong growth that could shake up the hierarchy in the years to come.

Twelve criteria with a maximum score 

This ranking highlights the pillars of EDHEC's Grande École Programme, which are academic excellence, the quality of the student experience and career support.

It highlights the quality of its ‘teaching staff’ (proportion of research professors to permanent staff, proportion of foreign professors, student-teacher ratio, number of different nationalities), the ‘research’ carried out by its teachers (proportion of articles published), and the school's ability to promote ‘educational innovation’ (quality of the schools' work in the field of educational and development projects). The rankings also take into account the length of the Master's degree and the number of national and international accreditations (a criterion of ‘prestige’).

In terms of pedagogical innovation, EDHEC's PGE has, for example, set up the Global Impacts Projects, a unique international field experience lasting from 10 weeks in the Pre-Master's year to four-six months in the professional immersion year or in the Master's 2 year, enabling students to get involved in a development project within an NGO or non-profit-making association in the fields of solidarity and/or the environment. EDHEC has also developed new double degrees, including one with Eurecom, an engineering school and centre specialising in digital research. The aim is to enable students to combine their skills. The PGE has also implemented a new timetable for Pre-Master's and Master's 1 students to enable them to get involved in community life, work on their entrepreneurial project or work.

The school's strategy of academic excellence is attracting more and more students, enabling EDHEC's PGE to achieve a score of 5 out of 5 on the ‘attractiveness’ criterion (Sigem ranking, volume of prepas integrated and AST 2, proportion of those present at the orals out of the number eligible, prepa concours 2024 candidates),

The PGE also received top marks for the ‘international’ criterion (proportion of students going on study trips, proportion of accredited agreements out of the total number of agreements, number of double degrees offered, proportion of students going on double degrees abroad, number of countries offered as expatriates). It has 192 prestigious international partners, 99.5% of which are accredited.

For the daily newspaper, entrepreneurship is also a criterion of choice for which the school obtains a score of 5/5. At EDHEC, PGE students benefit from a genuine entrepreneurial ecosystem, enabling them to develop their projects throughout their studies (from the Pre-Master's level with the Start-up Challenge, the CEO for 6 months scheme during the professional immersion year and the Msc in Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Master 2).              

Finally, Le Parisien Étudiant's 2024 post-bac and post-pépa rankings highlight the quality of career support, based on two criteria: ‘professionalisation’ (minimum compulsory time on placement, proportion of apprentices and work-study students, number of professional lecturers per year per student) and ‘salary’ (student placement rate before graduation), a quality recognised by other rankings. According to the Financial Times (MiM 2023 ranking), EDHEC's Career Centre is number 1 in France.

This Parisien Étudiant ranking underlines the relevance of the strategic choices we have made for our Grande Ecole Programme, with a strong focus on academic excellence, the blending of skills, international outreach with prestigious partners, impact research and responsible entrepreneurship,’ explains Tristan-Pierre Maury, Director of the Grande Ecole Programme. This confirms our school's determination to continue innovating in order to offer students the best possible study conditions and prepare them to become key players in the transformation of the world of business and society’.

At the start of the 2024 academic year, EDHEC's Grande École Programme will be pursuing its innovation strategy by offering two new programmes: GETT Europe in partnership with ESMT Berlin and Imperial College Business School, and the Data Science and AI for Business programme, once again demonstrating its ability to innovate by embracing the technological and digital revolution to become a benchmark platform for the transmission of knowledge.    


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