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MSc Marketing Management students discover the world of technology thanks to Stephane Negre, the CEO of Intel France




On March 8, the EDHEC Business School received the CEO of Intel France, Stephane Negre, within the course of MSc in Marketing Management. Julian Clobus, hired last year at Intel upon the graduation from the very same MSc in Marketing Management specialisation, accompanied Stephane Negre on that special day.


The guests shared with the students the insights into their company and the marketing strategy « Intel Inside ». They also touched upon tomorrow’s technological issues and their direct application in our everyday life: electronics and connectivity in cars, perceptual computing, physical limits of processors… In addition, the students were given a unique opportunity to manipulate exclusively a prototype of the first smartphone built with an Intel processor, to be launched on the market in September 2012.

Attracted by Intel as a company that proposes innovating marketing approaches, the students were also interested in the presentation as everyday users of technology.  The presentation was followed by a lively discussion, where the students enquired about Intel’s marketing strategy. “The same way as last year, I very much appreciated the attention and the interest of the students, the way we interacted and their very relevant questions, which reflected the diversity of our points of view.” said Mr. Negre.

Another thing at stake for the company was attracting the students: as every year, a position is to be created at Intel France, targeting specifically the students graduating from the MSc in Marketing Management. The course director, Mr Jean-Pierre Dolait said: “The students’ feedback is once again very positive and I know some of them already dream of a career at Intel.” The MSc Marketing Management brought the EDHEC students an opportunity they cannot miss!

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