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More than 150 Edhec got a VIE for a first job: Try the challenge!




More than 150 Edhec got a VIE for a first job: Try the challenge!

What is a VIE? A contract which gives the opportunity to go abroad for a professional mission and have a protective public status, for 6 to 24 months… All jobs and sectors are available: finance, marketing, international trade, controlling, accounting, retail, telecommunication, tourism, culture, legal, human resources…

You can access a VIE? Students and graduates who are between 18 and 28, of French or European nationality. The most important is your initiative spirit and strong motivation.

Which companies offer VIE to business school students? French big groups with subsidiaries abroad, PME who mostly offer interesting missions of international development, some state institutions.

Is it easy to get a VIE? Business school students and graduates are the best target for this recruitment. But competition is harsh and it’s essential to prepare, get information on the company and its international influence. For example when the press talks about the launching or the development of a project, for a company in a specific country, it’s an opportunity to grab and thus to solicit interest by writing a tailor-made unsolicited application.

Which other means can you use to contact recruiters? Unsolicited application is a good way, answer to VIE offers on, on the civiweb website or directly on the company website or participate to Forum: all a good means to get the job.

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