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Message from Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC Business School




Dear All,

First of all, I hope you and those close to you are doing well and experiencing this exceptional period as best as possible.

I am pleased to share EDHEC Business School’s recent ratings with you. Ratings are not an end in themselves, but they do confirm the School’s increasing momentum and further cement our position among the top establishments in Europe, thereby proving that our strategy and engagement on a day-to-day basis are paying off, even in these complicated times.  

In France…

In unprecedented circumstances in 2021 and through its Master in Management programme, EDHEC has finally been recognised as fourth among Grande Ecole business schools in France by Le Figaro and L’Etudiant, this recognition mirroring the trend observed in the choices of candidates in the Grande Ecole entrance exam over the last few years. These rankings place particular stress on academic excellence, research, the selectivity of student recruitment and the quality of the school’s corporate and career relations, as well as graduate satisfaction. 

The EDHEC International BBA (the former Espeme) has been ranked n°1 in France by Challenges since 2020 and was also placed top in France by L’Etudiant in 2021 after scoring 20/20 for academic excellence. This recognition underlines the quality of teaching, the selectivity of the programme (over 70% of candidates admitted obtained “Good” or “Very Good” mentions in the French baccalaureate) and its international orientation, as reflected in its prestigious international partners.   

… And internationally

EDHEC made progress in all the Financial Times rankings over the last year:

  • European Business Schools 2020 ranking: we rose to 14th place, bearing in mind that the FT has for a long time considered EDHEC to be fourth among Grande Ecole business schools in France.
  • Master in Management 2020 ranking: we reached 16th place worldwide, gaining 3 places from 2019: our career support service was particularly well-rated, which is a key asset in today’s complex job market.
  • Global MBA 2021 ranking: EDHEC was rated 76th worldwide, climbing 12 places from 2020 and forming the French top 3 along with HEC and INSEAD; this ranking rewarded the close match between the programme and the expectations of students with highly diverse career plans. EDHEC was placed 3rd worldwide on the new criterion of Corporate & Social Responsibility introduced by the FT this year. Note that the programme was also rated 7th worldwide in The Economist 2021 ranking.

Again in The Economist, EDHEC’s Executive MBA was ranked 17th worldwide, gaining 3 places from 2018 to reach 6th in Europe and 2nd in France. This ranking stresses programme quality and graduate career progression.

In this exceptional year, this positive trend in our rankings provides strong encouragement for us all, students, alumni, professors and members of staff.

I invite you to share the results.

I want to thank you warmly for your continuous support and engagement, the impact of which goes beyond these rankings and makes possible our ambitions and developments.

My best regards, 

Emmanuel Métais

Dean of EDHEC Business School


, a major international rankings provider, has ranked our MSc Marketing Management 7th worldwide in 2021 ( + 2 places compared to 2019). QS rankings are based on data collected among professionals about their recruitments. You can contribute to improving EDHEC’s rankings by registering here. I REGISTER



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