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ManoMano raises 110 million euros

EDHEC in the press



Founded by two EDHEC graduates, Christian Raisson (class of 1994) and Philippe de Chanville (class of 2003), the DIY and gardening marketplace announced on Monday 1 April that it had raised 110 million euros.


ManoMano, formerly MonEchelle, which was launched in 2013 and won the EDHEC Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2015, has just successfully completed a fundraising campaign worth 110 million euros.

The scale-up secured these funds from Eurazeo Growth, Aglaé Ventures and BPI Large Venture.

ManoMano’s long-standing investors (CM-CIC, Partech, Piton and General Atlantic) also contributed.

A total of 186 million euros was raised in 5 years.


This money will enable ManoMano to pursue its international expansion, develop its commercial offer and innovative B2C and B2B services, and strengthen its R&D teams.


“Our ambition is to truly transform industry practices, and to achieve that we need the finest tech talents Europe has to offer. Within a pro-European French scale-up, they will have the freedom to set the e-commerce standards of the future and reach their full potential in an environment where boldness goes hand-in-hand with personal fulfilment.”

Christian Raisson & Philippe de Chanville – co-founders



Photo : Christian Raisson & Philippe de Chanville © ManoMano

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