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Laurent Schwartz (GE 2005), founder of EXPRESS VENTURE




The Entrepreneur
Laurent SCHWARTZ, EDHEC 2005. Lawrence is also a director of Gold, a business for which he was nominated the award EDHEC Entrepreneur of the Year in 2013.

The Company
EXPRESS VENTURE is a subsidiary of the Express Roularta Group (L'Express , The Student etc ...). It operates under "Media for Equity " which offers support to entrepreneurs to develop their visibility at the early stages. Projects are reviewed by a team of other Entrepreneurs, some of whom are Laurent SCHWARTZ (, Stephane Boukris (ES Digital Group), Eric Bennephtali (Mediastay) and Simon Istolainen (MyMajorCompany, People For Cinema).

More than 150 cases were studied in 2013, and several in equity (Kitchen Trotter, Immoinverse, MorningCroissant etc.).

Investment Offered
- Up to 500,000 Euro equivalent
- Accompaniment of projects by entrepreneurs

Originality of the project
A real need on the part of startups who want to make themselves known, but are not yet able to raise funds.

Growth prospects
2013 launch
€2m in 2014 to distribute

Discover Venture Express and submit your application. (French)


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