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Know how to better speak about yourself in interviews and prepare for recruitment tests?

EDHEC in the press



The types of tests we offer are: 


Personality and motivation tests to learn more about yourself, know how to speak about yourself, and help you develop your career plan. 


1) The Professional Profile psychometric assessment provides an in-depth analysis of a candidate's personality profile and job temperament based on twelve fundamental facets of the human character.

Key features :

  A comprehensive and dynamic personality report.
Monitors social desirability (inclination to present oneself favorably).
Matches profiles with 58 groups of professions
Objective :
Professional Profile analyzes a candidate's intrinsic nature and main professional aspirations.


2) The Occupational Interest Inventory analyzes a candidate's or an employee's motivations and professional aptitudes based on six dimensions outlined by the RIASEC model and matches their profile with 80 different job categories.

Key features :
 General and combined RIASEC profile
Monitoring of social desirability (the inclination to present oneself favorably)
A match of the candidate's profile with 80 different job categories

To recognize a candidate's or a trainee's job orientation and to match them with suitable careers


3) The Management Style Inventory assesses a candidate's aptitude for leadership and identifies their management style. 

Key features :
  Highlights candidate's strengths and areas for improvement.
Reveals a candidate's management style.
Provides personalized comments

Objective :

To identify candidates' inherent leadership qualities and to develop their management style.




Aptitude tests that assess your knowledge in given areas. 


1)  The Business English Test helps to assess a candidate's or an employee's level of proficiency in the English language in three key areas: reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary.

Key features :

   Provides norm-based reporting on a scale of 0 to 20.
Assesses key factors: reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary.
Detailed description of scores.

Objective :
To assess business English proficiency in the areas of reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary.


2)  Reasoning Test - Intelligence relates to a range of differing capabilities, such as the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly and learn.

Key features :
   Evaluates a candidate's general intelligence.
Uses original and varied questions.
Provides detailed solutions to the questions
Objective :
To evaluate logical, numerical and verbal reasoning abilities



To register and receive your access code(s) to the test(s), contact Sabine LEBRUN

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