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Job hunting support scheme renewed for a second season. Sign up as Sponsor or Beneficiary




The Covid-19 crisis is affecting the global economy and in particular our young and soon-to-be graduates. Since the end of April, EDHEC Alumni and EDHEC Career Center for Life have developed a dedicated online “Job hunting support scheme” to allow EDHEC alumni to help each other and discuss.
More than 200 alumni took action, allowing 231 alumni to be supported and to benefit from sound advice.
It is in these moments that the strength and solidarity of our network take on their full dimension, so we decided to relaunch the operation from September 29.

Sign up as a SPONSOR
 if you have expertise in job-hunting strategies to share: How are companies in your sector managing the crisis? What are their recruitment policies? Are there any positions to be filled? This is the kind of practical advice and information that will help others from EDHEC make a successful transition onto the job market in these uncertain times.

Perhaps you yourself are on a timeout, or maybe you’re actively job-hunting, switching to another profession or undergoing a career transition. If you need help with any of these issues, sign up as a BENEFICIARY.

How can I register to this programme?

If you would like to volunteer for this, please sign-up by clicking in the specific “Job hunting support scheme” email that you receive on October 9. For any question, please contact:  

Continue to share your internship and job offers to the EDHEC community

If you know of any internships or job offers that might be relevant for our students and graduates, simply send us your offers to and we will share them with the right targets.

We will be able to overcome the economic fallout of Covid-19 if we all help each other out on a mutual basis.

Kind regards,

EDHEC Alumni and the EDHEC Career Centre for Life 


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