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Information about the Coronavirus infection / Call for donations coming soon





Dear Alumni,

EDHEC and its alumni community are transmitting all thoughts and support of compassion and solidarity in the face of the concern of all students and graduates exposed personally or through their families and relatives by the Coronavirus.

We are paying the greatest attention to the development of the coronavirus infection that initially appeared in China, but for which cases have now been diagnosed in some 15 countries, including several cases being treated in France.
We know that some of you are worried by the situation. We are thinking particularly of our Chinese students on our campuses, as well as those of all nationalities with family in the regions directly concerned. EDHEC and EDHEC Alumni remain at their sides and assure them of our full support.

We are complying with the recommendations issued by the authorities. At EDHEC, we have therefore taken the decision to cancel the academic exchanges arranged in China for this semester. We have strongly urged students currently on exchanges or internships in China to return to France. We recommended our students on internship to contact their manager rapidly. 
You can count on our strictest vigilance in this matter. We know that the situation is fast changing and will keep you informed through our website in the event the authorities issue any new directives.

EDHEC Alumni will potentially relay within the next few days a call for donations initiative from the local Chinese EDHEC Alumni community. The aim of this initiative is to raise funds and give priority support to children, people in the community in need and the medical staff on site. 

More information to come. If you are interested in this project, please contact Sisi Pan, EDHEC Country Manager in Shanghai, or Géraldine Simon, Alumni relations managers for International clubs.

Yours sincerely

The EDHEC Alumni team

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