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How can we advance diversity and inclusion in higher educational insititutions and businesses?




In this second episode of the EDHEC Vox Podcast, Abiola Ulrich Obaonrin, a journalist with Argot, talks with Professor Hager Jemel, director of EDHEC’s Pre-Master’s programme and the EDHEC Open Leadership chair for Diversity and Inclusion, and Hayat Maazouza, a 2015 alumnus and Impact and Advocacy Manager at Positive Planet France, on the topic of diversity and inclusion in third-level institutions and companies.

This second episode gives the microphone to three experts with potential solutions for changing the mechanisms of inclusion and diversity in everyday life. They touch on all stages of professional life: from choosing higher education options to taking up positions of responsibility, even sending letters of application – how do you guarantee their inclusion? How can we enable people from diverse backgrounds, be they men, women or people with disabilities, to get the job they want? How can we ensure that recruitment is unbiased, whether in school or in the workplace?

In an hour-long conversation, Hager Jemel, Hayatte Maazouza and Abiola Ulrich Obaonrin share their knowledge, backed up by numerical studies, and propose concrete solutions that could help third-level institutions and the business world to be more open to the wealth and diversity of competent and qualified people that French society has to offer.

Happy listening! And be sure to tune in to the next episode in our series, which will deal with entrepreneurship.


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