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Help us for the MBA Consulting Projects !




Do you have opportunities that you’d like to explore but haven’t had the time? Projects that need taking care of but you haven’t had the right resources?

EDHEC’s Global MBA Consulting Project Teams could be the answer.

From 36 nationalities, with 8 years average experience, our teams can bring energy, experience and new viewpoints to your firm from May 5th to June 30th 2014, contributing over 700 hours to completing strategic company projects. EDHEC's expert professors contribute guidance and a solid knowledge base to help produce tangible deliverables for your company.

Last year, our corporate partners entrusted EDHEC's MBA participants with Consulting Projects on strategic issues in marketing, finance, international business development, product launches, feasibility studies, benchmarks and repositioning. Sponsoring firms Google, Schneider Electric, Sodexo, Air Liquide, Kurt Salmon, Orphoz and two SMEs were among our partners in 2013.
For more detailed information on project terms and descriptions, please refer to the MBA website.

If you would like to discuss EDHEC's MBA Consulting Projects, or hiring EDHEC candidates for jobs or internships, please contact Lisa Nezam at, tel. +336 5095 9933; She'll be pleased to tell you more.

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