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Graduates living in the US and in Europe: you can make a donation too !




In the United States: American Friends of EDHEC is registered with the King Baudouin Foundation US entity, which enables you to benefit from local tax benefits.
It’s very easy to contribute to the Rising Talents Campaign:

• Donations by cheque: send your cheques payable to KBFUS, clearly indicating EDHEC on the memo section of the cheque, and send it to: KBFUS, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10020
• Donations by credit card: go to the website:, click on ‘Donate Now’ and select “EDHEC” under ‘Giving Option 1: Non-Profit Partners Overseas’. NB: there is a 3% charge for donations by credit card.
• Others ways you can make a donation: contact KBFUS ( phone: +1 (212) 713 7660)

In Europe: Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) is a partnership of foundations and European associations that facilitates cross-border donations. The TGE network enables donors, private individuals and companies that pay taxes in one of the partner countries, to support non-profit organizations in other member countries and at the same time to benefit from the tax breaks provided for by the law in their country of residence. Countries covered by the TGE are: Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland, Poland, Romania, the UK, Slovenia, Slovakia and Switzerland. EDHEC Business School is registered on the scheme and so can benefit from the TGE programme.

For more information, please contact Nathalie Levallois or Sabine Courouble.
For donors living in the United Kingdom, please contact Frédéric de la Borderie who will explain how to make a donation through the Charity Aid Foundation (CAF):


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