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Forum Dress Code




Clothes, behavior, look, everything counts!


•  Jeans and sneakers or suit and high heels… ? On D Day, you have to think about your dress code. Whatever your choice, don’t doubt that the recruiter will regard a « ragged » attitude as a sign of amateurism. The aim is to inspire confidence as well as dynamism, seriousness and modernity.
•  Have a good dress sense ! Girls shouldn’t play too much on appearance: sexy outfits and flashy make-up are to be banned. Those details might hide your professional competencies and affect your image. Boys for their part have to inspire sobriety and reliability. Avoid therefore the eccentric tie, long hair and too typical outfits. Finally, and that applies for all, pay attention to your perfume… Avoid perfumes that might bother recruiters. Sobriety is the key word.
•  Be in line with the sector culture. In Luxury, image is very important. The manager’s outfit is directly related to the company’s representation and its standing, as if he were its ambassador. In Banking, Finance or Insurance, rigorous and classical looks with white collars are still relevant to inspire seriousness and professionalism. In Industry (construction, FMCG…), pragmatic looks and behavior are appreciated. Simplicity and sincerity!
•  One job, one style. If you want to work in customer relations, better “look good”! Prefer a neat style, and rigorous but not austere. As a manager, you must inspire respect as well as trust. Build yourself an image of the approachable manager... For an operational position, you will be expected to be efficient. However, avoid too casual an outfit that might be interpreted as a lack of respect for the company.
•  No disguise! Those basic rules on how to adapt to the corporate culture should not prevent you from choosing an outfit that meets your personality. There is nothing worse than a disguised or ill-at-ease candidate. Make sure that you still look like yourself when looking in the mirror…

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