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Focus on Applied Learning: EDHEC Global MBA Consulting Project




The final 8 weeks of the MBA program allow participants to put their newly acquired skills and knowledge into practice. The MBA project is a transition between the time spent at school and the entry into a new professional life. Teams of 3 to 5 participants select the project which best fits their career or learning goals and contribute over 600 team hours to complete strategic company projects.

A win-win situation
• Fresh ideas and perspectives to incorporate into sponsor firms' strategy and management plan
• MBA-level project work –participants bring significant international professional experience to the table
• Solid, documented results, actionable analyses and recommendations are delivered
Sponsor firms take advantage of this program to experience MBA talent first-hand and can leverage this opportunity to evaluate an MBA intern or career hire for their organizations.

The project must be challenging and strategic
• Involve MBA-level work with specific goals and deliverables
• Be supported by top management with an executive as champion
• Allow appropriate access to information and resources
The focus of the project should be on performance improvement and involve strategic management issues and/or changes in the organization, preferably with an international approach. Each consulting project is tailored to provide the sponsor company with strategic knowledge while enabling the MBA participants, in teams, to get their teeth into challenging questions in real-life businesses, large and small. Projects are delivered in English and are supervised by EDHEC Faculty.

Sponsor companies for this year’s projects: Google (UK), Nestlé (Switzerland), Air Liquide (France), Kurt Salmon (France), BVA (France), Oxylane/Decathlon (France), Atherm (India), SOSTravelers (Isreal), FixNGo (Germany), Optimom Care (France), FB International (USA)

“The EDHEC MBA participants offered precise insights on multiple strategic projects for the airline e-commerce division of Amadeus.The quality of the final deliverables exceeded my expectations and the outcome of the project will certainly allow Amadeus to accelarate its business.” - , Blaise FIEDLER, Head of Strategic Commercial Services, Amadeus Airline Business Group.

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