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Financial Times Executive Education 2020 ranking




EDHEC continues its progression in the world top 10 

EDHEC cemented its leadership on the international business education market by making progress in all of the 3 rankings published today (Custom programmes, Open programmes and Combined). The School also reasserted its thirdplace among French business schools in each of these rankings.

The Financial Times survey underlines the excellence of the whole of EDHEC’s executive education portfolio:

-17th worldwide in the combined ranking, which assesses both Custom Programmes (bespoke programmes for individual companies) and Open Programmes (for executives and senior managers of different companies).

-8th worldwide for Custom Programmes (up 19 places vs 2018). EDHEC’s programmes stood out clearly in terms of company satisfaction: 4th worldwide for client follow-up and 5th worldwide in terms of preparation and support for businesses. Also singled out were the attractions of the School’s campuses and its exceptional facilities, with EDHEC ranking 2nd worldwide on this criterion for the second year running.

The School was also placed 39th worldwide for Open Programmes, here again gaining ground in the survey (up 1 place vs 2019).

Crises like the current one tend to accelerate transformations and reveal the needs of businesses for agility. The survey shows that companies have an even greater need for close ties with business schools and customised support in the development of their leaders,
says Stéphane Canonne, Director Executive Education & MBAs at EDHEC Business School 

View the 2020 Financial Times ranking

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