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Executive Education: Financial Times ranks EDHEC 35th




EDHEC has consolidated its position in the global top 50 business schools for executive education, ranking 35th worldwide (against 43rd in 2009), and 5th in France after HEC, INSEAD, ESSEC and ESCP Europe. The Financial Times Executive Education ranking includes both open enrolment and in-house customized programmes.

This significant advance confirms the development of EDHEC executive education programmes, in line with its business-oriented strategy: the open enrolment programmes are in 40th position and the in-house customized programmes came 43rd.

The new positioning once again highlights our programmes’ highly international dimension: EDHEC ranked 3rd for its programmes’ international localisation, 11th for the diversity of nationalities and 12th for its customized programmes’ localisation. Its international positioning is in large part due to its Risk Management and Asset Management programmes, developed through the expertise of EDHEC Risk Institute, as well as the Global Business Model programmes.

“This ranking confirms EDHEC’s major role in executive education for managers and economic and finance leaders worldwide, and notably its firm position among the European leaders,” Olivier Oger, Dean of EDHEC Business School, told us.
In effect, alongside its core programmes, EDHEC annually delivers its research output to over 3000 executives in 28 capital cities worldwide. This same expertise has enabled the school to open a new campus in Singapore in 2010, designed to train both EDHEC students and professionals from the Asian finance industry, with a programme portfolio that includes Executive Education, MSc and PhD programmes.


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