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Entrepreneur Portrait : Maxime Legardez presents Convargo




1. Could you tell us a little about your background ? ( Courses, diplomas, program , specialties ... )

The project was born from a simple observation : the freight transport market in France is huge (80 % of the products we consume are delivered by road). We talk about a market of over EUR 43Mds ; but it is not an efficient market : 1 of 4 truck rolls to empty !!!

The idea is to connect real-time senders (small, medium, large groups of all sectors) that have goods to ship ( from a pallet to a full truck ) with transport companies that have the capacity available.

It went all very quickly this year : I returned to France in March 2016 to start the adventure, at the beginning only by meeting a multitude of people bathing in the sector; then we did a fundraising of around EUR 2 million in June 2016 with leading European investors including Xavier Niel (Free and Kima Ventures ), Jacques-Antoine Granjon (Vente Privée), Pierre Kosciusko- Morizet and Olivier Mathiot (PriceMinister) etc.

Today we have over 15 employees and we are still looking for motivated talents to join us!

2. What kind of first assessment can you make of this entrepreneurial adventure?

It is far too early to make an assessment as everything remains to be done, but we have the intention, passion and motivation to revolutionize freight transport in France and soon in Europe.

This market is fascinating, we feel every day that we are responding to a clear need among both shippers and carriers.

3. Have you enjoyed at one time or another of EDHEC alumni network ?

Yes, I contacted about 300 former EDHEC in the past recent weeks, CEO of their own companies to offer them our solution and see if we could work with them. Mutual aid is great, I do believe in it.

4. What advice can you give to students or graduates who wish to start a business ?

- Launch yourself into a project that meets a clear need and addresses a large enough market

- Surround yourself with the best: the team and relationships is the foundation of any success

- Do not wait to have your product or concept fully finalized to get started : you learn by making mistakes, correcting them and improving your concept etc.

- travaillez à fond et apprenez à ​accepter​ et à surpasser la succession de pression, de mauvaises nouvelles et de problèmes que vous allez rencontrer plusieurs fois par jour. Et n'oubliez jamais de célébrer les bonnes nouvelles, même les plus petites ;)

- Work thoroughly and learn to accept and overcome the pressure of bad news and problems that you will meet several times a day. And never forget to celebrate the good news, even the smallest ;)

5. What are the next steps for your business?

We want to start in France successfully, get traction and interest in our platform as well from shippers and carriers. Then in a second time, by 2017, attack the European market.

6. Do you have any expectations of the Edhec Alumni community?

YES !!! Through our network, we have thousands of people working in small, medium or major groups that have shipping needs. In all sectors, food, industry, paper, e-commerce, agriculture, furniture etc.

Contact us to manage your shipments in a simple and automated way, to access a multitude of available transport companies, ship at the best price, track your real-time commodity.

7. Contact Informations :

tel: 0614106197




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