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EDHEC Start Up Day, the annual gathering of entrepreneurs




EDHEC entrepreneurs from all over France participated in the EDHEC Start Up Day, the annual gathering of entrepreneurs from the incubator EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs ( EYE) that occurred on the Lille campus.

" Knowing each other, strengthening the EYE network but also sharing their experiences, those questions are obviously essential for our entrepreneurs, explains Jean- Michel Ledru, incubator director of EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs. The Start Up Day has a particularly flavor this year since the end of January the symbolic 100 entrepreneurs winners EYE has been crossed. A great success for our incubator created 6 years ago ! "

The incubator is developing and growing constantly. This success can be explained by the desire to undertake growing students and graduates ( one third preparatory class students the entry exams for business schools say they want to start their own business ) and the flexible support tailored to their needs that they receive EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs.


Also new this year : after the traditional day of workshops, debates and testimonies, held the awards START contest , co- organized with Oxygen PR and OVH and the kind participation of Christophe Triquet creator of and of the Entrepreneurship North network in the jury. The objective of this contest : encourage and reward 2 very promising EYE startups.

Loïse, the company created by the agronomist Laurence Thiébart has won over the jury with its innovative approach blends of organic cereals and spicy. Result: Oxygen RP will accompany the young company in the coming months, to make sure they are known to most people, as they have already attracted several hotels and luxury stores. Loïse will also benefit from Launch Pad OVH credited with € 1,000 .


Tolktoo, created in 2015 by William and Camille Morin Dewavrin, graduated in 2008 from EDHEC, seduced OVH with its unique discussion platform to promote language learning. The French web hosting company has offered a Launch Pad for a value of € 10,000 .






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